Suggestions and Complaints Policy

We are dedicated to providing you with the best possible care.  We are delighted to receive comments about good service and will ensure that any member of staff identified is made aware of the comments made.

We also strive to create an amazing experience for each and every individual who visits us, so if you have any suggestions on how we can improve the facility, our services and your experience, we are all ears.

Making a Complaint

We are aware that things do sometimes go wrong and are committed to ensuring that any shortfalls are rectified as soon as possible.

If you wish to make a complaint of a minor nature, please ask to speak to the Clinic Manager, who will deal with the matter in confidence.  If you consider the complaint to be more serious, please put it in writing and address it to the Clinic Manager, who will deal with it according to our procedures.  A copy of the complaint’s procedure is available on request.

You may find it convenient to do any of the above via email at, or while in clinic through our suggestions and complaints box which can be found in reception – simply fill in the simple comment slip next to the box and pop it in.

Please Note: only the clinic manager has access to the comments box, so privacy is always maintained

Violent & Abusive Patients

Although to date our clinic has zero instances of this nature, we do hold a zero-tolerance policy with regard to violent/abusive patients.

The definition of violence is “Any incident where a practitioner, staff member or another patient is abused, threatened or assaulted in circumstances related to their work or environment, stature, race or religion, involving an explicit or implied challenge to their safety, wellbeing or health”.

If an incident occurs, the practice will telephone the police and that patient may be removed from the clinic list.