Please make yourself familiar with our current ‘but evolving’ control measures
Infection Prevention and Control
Control Measures (11-Nov)
1. COVID-19 Symptoms
If you are experiencing any symptoms of cold or flu such as a sore throat, cough or fever. Or if you are self-isolating, please DO NOT attend your appointment. We will be happy to switch this to a later date or a Virtual Injury appointment. We reserve the right to refuse treatment if we believe you are putting our staff and other patients at risk. We strongly recommend downloading the NHS Covid-19 app, to monitor exposure and self isolate when necessary.
2. Reduced Service
There will be limited practitioners in clinic – Currently, no more than 2 practitioners will be treating within clinic at a time, until safe it is deemed safe to return to ‘normal’ operations – meaning a reduced service, to ensure minimal ‘non-essential’ contact with our patients and staff.
3. Staggering Appointments
We are also staggering patients and leaving 15 minutes between each appointment, ensuring our staff can complete a full medical clean before and after each treatment, while no ‘crossing paths’ of arriving and leaving patients takes place, keeping social distancing to a minimum.
4. Temperature Checks
On arrival, you will have your temperature checked using a non-invasive medical infrared thermometer. If you display a temperature over 37.8 degrees, you will be deemed unfit for treatment and asked to reschedule.
5. Queuing on Arrival
We ask that in order to help us reduce ‘patient crossover’ within clinic, that you wait in your vehicle until your appointment start time – when your appointment is due to start, you may enter the clinic. Every appointment is confirmed via text and email, so please check these if you are unsure.
6. Hand Hygiene
We must insist that all patients wash their hands on-arrival and make use of the antibacterial gel that can be found in the reception, waiting room and treatment rooms.
7. Face Masks
For your protection, we require you and our practitioners to wear surgical face masks throughout our clinic and during treatment. If you feel more comfortable please feel free to wear your own face mask too. If you fail to bring a face mask, one will be supplied at a cover charge of £2 which will be added to your final bill.
8. Keeping those at-risk Safe
We are treating all patients, however, if you are a ‘high risk’ person such as immunocompromised; have pre-existing medical conditions or are over 70 we ask that you kindly call us to discuss your condition and reason for visit, prior to booking.
9. Social Distancing
When moving through the clinic please follow ‘in-clinic guidance’ and maintain social distancing measures wherever possible.
10. Cashless Payments
Card payments are preferable in these circumstances and when booking online you may be prompted to pay via card at the time of booking – please note no payment is taken until the after your treatment. This eliminates unnecessary contact post-appointment.
11. Own Towels
Feel free to bring your own towel with you for more comfort during your treatment.
12. Consent to Control Measures
A disclaimer will need to be signed each time you have an appointment during the pandemic, confirming you understand and adhere to the above policies and are happy and clear with the safe working policies we have in place for the protection of staff and patients and are clear of any symptoms and that you consent to assessments and treatments to commence. Any concerns must be expressed prior to your visit.
13. Virtual Appointments
We are continuing our Virtual Injury Clinic and phone consultations for those that would prefer not to attend the clinic in person just yet, or for those whom are not feeling well – you can book a virtual appointment here. Or find out more about our Virtual Injury Clinic by clicking here.
We ask everyone attending the clinic to adhere to these new measures in order to continue reducing the spread of Covid-19 and to help protect yourself, our staff and other patients.